Monday, October 31, 2005

Forget the criminal investigations ...

President Bush will today nominate Samuel Alito, a yes man, to the Supreme Court today according to reports.

Also this headline in the Gazette caught my eye: "Manchin not the only Democrat to buck party on abortion". I am just curious if people have forgotten that they have been 'pro-life' for the length of their careers. This is not something new, and Byrd's base can vouche for it.

And one by one the most notable WV Republicans are stepping down from the option of running against Byrd. Ireland and Capito know better, but their Junior Conservative Hiram "Bucky" Lewis needs some help understanding this. Does this piss off the Republicans? That their most beloved politicians are too scared to run against Byrd? You bet it does, as WVConservative has pointed out.

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