Monday, October 31, 2005

Capito... too cool for congresswoman?

Capito on Q & A

LAMB: So what have you learned from Senator Byrd about being a senator for the last eight terms?

MOORE CAPITO: Well, I think that being in the Senate looks like a pretty cool job.

LAMB: Why?

MOORE CAPITO: Well, I think you get a lot more influence. Certainly he represents the entire state, and that presents a lot of huge opportunities. The Senate does things differently. I‘m not sure I agree with it, but if I ever got over there I would probably think it was great.

Notice the key statements here: "looks like a pretty cool job", "I think you get a lot more influence", if I ever got over there I would probably think it was great".

This is definitely the mark of a rookie and she has no place being a senator any time soon. Why take the egg when you have the golden goose?

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