Monday, October 18, 2004

Pat Robertson, a sinful whore?

This morning on the 700 club Pat Robertson said, and I quote, "I got laid last week."
Pat Robertson has finally admitted that he is a tyrant under Satan's control. This is shocking, horrible and true! Ladies and gentlemen, viewers of the #1 watched cable news program, fans of the truth, witnesses of 'fair and balanced' programming ... today we watch as the leader of the Christian Coalition falls on his face. He, like many past religious leaders, finally get caught up in their life of lies.

*** Take it easy people, I was just practicing my FAUX NEWS spin and distortion tactics. ***
The truth is, Pat Robertson did say,"I got laid last week", but he was referring to how young people talk about sex now days. The point is, after he said that, I was thinking what if FOX NEWS was a Democrat/Liberal news source? They would have taken that line and sent it into a traumatic spin through the air waves and cyber space. Much like what I did above. Ofcourse, they probably would have been a little more sly and effective.

BTW, Rush Limbaugh is upset that Bush didn't get the Nobel Peace Price. Can you believe that? Sheesh

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