Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Chop It Down.

While searching through random blogs I stumbled across this statement from some guy who works with the DNC or some local Democratic Organization. Since I hadn't heard Byrd say this before, I thought it was interesting.

Bryd condemned the Bush administration. "Send that dimestore cowboy back to Texas!" Standing ovation. He read a parable out of the bible. Somewhere in Corinthians. A man goes to a fig tree, and it bears no fruit. After three years, it still bears no fruit, and he chops the tree down. "Chop the tree down!" The old man is fiery as a preacher, energizing as a teamster and authoritative as a shaman. "Chop it down! Chop it down! Chop it down!"

Let's chop this tree down boys.

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